Logoplaste has a yearly Safety Calendar with recurring activities to teach, remind, create awareness to all safety behavior. These range from LOTO, to PPE, to work instructions, Toolbox Talks, weekly training, specialized workshops, audits. But that is not all. To get everyone truly involved, proactively alert and motivated, additional initiatives are conducted worldwide.
In 2023, the Kids Safety Calendar contest was implemented, and the turnout was impressive.
Employees needed to get their families engaged, asking the kids at home to draw a picture focused on safety. All the submitted drawings were uploaded on to the intranet so that the entire company could vote on their favorite. The top 12 made it into the calendar.

Logoplaste always demonstrates great concern for the safety of its employees. Among them, is this initiative to create a safety calendar getting the family involved. As head of EHS for Brazil, responsible for 7 plants, it was very satisfying to see the enthusiasm as we started to roll out the campaign. It was even more thrilling as the drawings were submitted and we could see pride in the parents’ eyes – this is what we wanted to achieve: employee and family involvement so the message of working safely reached beyond the plant.
As the voting began, parents shared the results with the eager little artists at home. Every child received a participation gift, and the winners received an extra present. A way of Logoplaste saying “thank you”. Every employee received a printed 2024 calendar, as well as every artist.
This activity took on such a large proportion in Brazil, as we combined the employees’ safety with what is most important to them, their children. It will never be forgotten by those who participated."
Flavio Tilhof
EHS Director Brazil
Good decisions,
are made with good data
At Logoplaste, we rely on comprehensive, worldwide KPIs, to understand where we are and what needs to be done. Our data is reported via clever digital solutions, providing real time access to accurate information, that is measured and reported the same any anywhere in the Logoplaste universe.
Bernardo Dia, Logoplaste’s Digital Operating System Director, gives us an overview of how the Global Management System (GMS) works for the company and the teams:
Our Global Management System is an ecosystem that provides a framework for Safety, Quality, Environment, Continuous Improvement and Homologation activities.
The platform was designed to focus on 3 main areas:
- The PERSONA – GMS provides simple, intuitive solutions that work like an app, to cater to different user profiles. No more workarounds or copying info from one place to another. Once content is uploaded, you are done
- The STORYTELLING – intelligent analysis of data, content and user profile so a pattern can be shown through time, allowing for fact-based decisions
- The company’s DNA – Logoplaste has a “can do” attitude, combined with a continuous search for the best solution, GMS fully supports this modus operandi adding flexibility and speed when it comes to deciding next steps
GMS can provide, at any given time, a comprehensive view on, for example, safety hazards identified by a plant, as well as the corrective actions and tasks taken to eliminate the threat. Everyone on site has access to the information.
The system also allows the benchmarking of best practices among facilities. This is a very powerful feature as it helps elevate the entire company to a new performance level. GMS also houses a constantly updated knowledge base, that will serve as a basis for AI tools.
When you can see the entire story, all becomes clear.
Bernardo Dias
Digital Operating System Director
Constant communication brings good results
Keeping the teams engaged means keeping in constant contact with clear, easy-to-read, relatable, messages.
During the summer of 2023, safety reminder posters were issued in all our official languages.