Wall to Wall reduces CO2 emissions at every stage
When it comes to sustainability, what people really want to know is what you are doing right now.

Shifting from remote packaging production to embedded, wall to wall manufacturing with Logoplaste makes an immediate impact on your carbon footprint and your bottom line.
Savings that help save the planet
Six ways embedded, wall to wall packaging plants cut your carbon footprint and make your business more efficient
An embedded Logoplaste plant delivers bottles directly into your filling lines, no trucking, no shipping of empty bottles.
Our wall to wall, manufacturing model and nearby sites, lower CO2 emissions by eliminating, or reducing, the transport of empty bottles.
By operating 86% of our sites within our customers’ premises or nearby, in 2022
15 267 tons of CO2 emissions were avoided.
If you don’t need to ship bottles, you don’t need to pack them. That means no more boxes, totes, gaylords, tape, stickers, bags, shrink-wrap. Secondary packaging goes away.
There is no need for extra material, no need to hire someone to pack and unpack. Embedding packaging manufacturing inside your operation reduces energy consumption, lowers machinery maintenance, and lowers your operating costs.
Filling and capping the bottles within minutes of manufacturing them provides structural support to the bottles, allowing us to use less plastic. Bottles made off-site have to be thicker to survive loading, transportation, and unloading.
But not all lightweight programs are right weight programs. At Logoplaste we implement right-weight to ensure we protect the product, fulfilling quality and safety standards and to guarantee we are in line with recyclers’ requirements, so packaging can be easily sorted and recycled, which makes your products a better match for bottle to bottle programs.
With wall to wall, packaging production ramps up and down in sync with your operation, eliminating packaging inventory. Empty packaging never sits in a warehouse waiting for demand and your filling lines never wait for bottles to arrive.
It’s a single, seamless production line from us to you - true elegance in motion.
Wall to wall means two manufacturing plants in a single facility for less duplication and lighter impact.
We can retrofit existing facilities with minimal additional power, water, and sewage infrastructure. Building new co-located facilities allows us to work with customers to design facilities that are fiscally and environmentally more sustainable.
Embedded, wall to wall manufacturing puts an entire packaging plant at your disposal. You never get bumped for another company’s production run.
Co-locating also demands we work side by side in constant communication. To succeed we have to define common goals and share critical values around timeliness, safety, and quality. This level of dedication and coordination pays dividends across the operation. Things get done better, faster, and far more efficiently.
Logoplaste relies heavily on energy to produce plastic packaging. Responsible energy is our current baseline as we implement improvements to optimize our efficiency.
We strive to improve our energy efficiency and best practices, as it helps protect the environment, while reducing costs. We have a dedicated team for energy management across the globe.
Our current energy reduction strategies include lighting efficiency, waste heat recovery, plus machine and utilities optimization.
We’re transitioning to renewable energy for our sites through global power purchasing agreements and the installation of photovoltaic panels on our facilities.
To give you an idea on how we are doing, in 2022 we had an 24% increase in our renewable electricity consumption when compared to 2022.
Logoplaste accounts for its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions according to international standards, as this is crucial to build a well-founded sustainability strategy and setting ambitious goals and targets to help mitigate environmental impact.
n 2023, the total of Scope 1 & 2 (market-based) emissions– Logoplaste’s operational CO2e Emissions - was 89 060 tons of CO2e.
This represents a decrease of 5% compared to 2022. And a 15% reduction in Operational GHG emissions when compared to base year, 2019.
Our business model eliminates GHG by default
Our embedded, wall to wall, manufacturing model and nearby sites, lower CO2 emissions by eliminating, or reducing, the transport of empty bottles.
By operating 86% of our sites within our customers’ premises or nearby, last year, (2023), 15 267 tons of CO2 emissions were avoided. A 2% increase compared to 2022 (15 005 tons CO2).
Using recycled plastic resins, instead of virgin resin, to manufacture new plastic packaging is critical to reduce the amount of carbon we consume and the amount of plastic in the environment.
Logoplaste is actively pushing, together with our clients, for the accelerated incorporation of recycled materials and educating our partners on how to make packaging sustainable.
The case for using recycled materials is absolutely clear:
- It reduces the need for virgin, fossil-based raw materials
- It saves energy
- It diverts waste from landfills
- It reduces our carbon footprint
Logoplaste has been using recycled raw materials in our products for over 10 years, for food and non-food applications. Some of our packaging is produced with 100% recycled content.
Each plastic material - HDPE, PET - has its own production, recycling, and environmental consequences, which makes choosing the right materials for our packaging critical. While our clients are the ultimate decision makers in the choice of materials, Logoplaste has proven the economic and aesthetic viability of 100% recycled, 100% recyclable, bottle-to-bottle manufacturing.
At Logoplaste, tackling the climate crisis is our top priority.
We're committed to driving climate action across all levels of our company as well as value chain, with a holistic approach to sustainability. We embed climate responsibility into everything we do.
To strengthen our commitment, we’ve set a target of achieving net zero emissions by 2050, aligned with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This includes near-term goals and a long-term plan to reach net-zero emissions across our value chain following the SBTi Net-Zero Standard.
We are currently in the process of obtaining approval for our SBTi targets.
- For Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we aim to reduce absolute emissions by 45.3% by 2030, based on 2020 levels, and reach 90% by 2050.
- For Scope 3 emissions, we are targeting a 51.6% reduction in emissions per unit of production by 2030, and a 97% reduction by 2050.
Our Climate Transition Plan provides a detailed overview of our steps to achieve Net Zero by 2050