Giving back at the corporate level
Individual Logoplaste locations and employees give back to their communities in many different ways. At a corporate level, we focus our efforts on improving the lives of children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders through healthcare, therapy, and social integration.

Supporting children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as their families, since 2003.
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CADIn is a comprehensive service provider for children and young adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, encompassing the parents and families, schools and the community.
CADIn provides diagnosis, treatment, and therapy, plus professional integration planning for young adults. Over the last 20 years, CADIn has served more than 37500 individuals and their families, regardless of their ability to pay for services. 15% of these families are supported by the Social Fund.
Café Joyeux
Providing work, community, and purpose for young adults with Down syndrome and autism.
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Logoplaste is overjoyed to sponsor Café Joyeux in Cascais, Portugal. Café Joyeux employs young adults with Down syndrome and autism, giving them genuine work experience in a safe, supportive environment.
The project provides long-term training so participants can master a workable skill that is essential for them in securing a better future.
Educational Packs
We are proud to present our latest community tool: Education Packs, aka, EDU PACKS Meet plastic! Plastic is on a mission to recycle, and three children are going to learn how to help …
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We shape young talent today so it becomes great talent tomorrow Logoplaste is proud to support the UK Starpack Student and School Awards.
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