GRI Sustainability Report 2021
Integrity comes from within. You either have it, or you don’t. We operate transparently in all things, at all times. If something isn’t right, we’ll see it and fix it immediately.

When it comes to Ethics & Integrity there is only one word that matches Logoplaste: transparency.
Transparency means being open and sharing thoughts and ideas in an honest and respectful manner. As a business, as a partner and as an employer, being transparent is part of our modus operandi. It’s the only way we know how to be.
Ethics and Integrity are the newest topics in our Materiality Survey
Corporate values that shape our actions, attitudes, behaviors and our decisions.Read more +
Code of conduct
Guide to what is expected from employees and from the company.Read more +
Team empowerment and voice. At Logoplaste we are all heroes.Read more +
Diversity and Inclusion
We are all different and each of us is unique. Our difference are our strength.Read more +
Employees' voice
Everyone is heard through our Speak Up channel, Ask the CEO, and Employee Grievance Policy.Read more +
Full legal compliance
Logoplaste complies with all local as well as international laws and regulations.Read more +
UN global compact 10 principles
Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anticorruption are part of our routineRead more +
Anti-corruption policies
Guardrails against money laundering, bribery, and corruption are baked in to our policies.Read more +
Safety culture
People always come first. This is non-negotiable for us. But it’s not just about keeping everyone out of harm’s way. It’s more than that.Read more +
Sustainable procurement
We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct, and we only work with those that share the same values and principles.Read more +