But nothing could be possible without a focused and driven team
As a company, it is our responsibility to take care of our people.

It is up to Logoplaste to provide an extraordinary work experience for everyone.
A key priority for the company is to create an engaging, inclusive and growth environment for all our employees. People and Human Capital are the basis of our success.
A solid foundation for a growing career
Creating a unified, diverse team, that brings energy and fresh ideas to precision jobs that require attention to detail in an innovative, ever changing environment, is a huge endeavor from our HR teams, our middle and top management and the company as a whole.
From day minus 1 and throughout the entire career path, Logoplaste is focused on its team.
Attract top talent – from industry and market segments
Matchmaking – hire the right attitude: people who care
Communication is key – increased presence on digital and social platforms
Hiring Managers – train and empower so they recognize the perfect fit
Equal opportunities – internally and externally, driven by diversity & inclusion
Showcasing – who we are: visionaries, innovative and sustainable
The wow factor – constantly improve the new hire experience and employee journey
Never let go – Retain new recruits through pre-day-one activities , induction on the first day, orientation during the first week and completing onboarding until the new employee is fully settled in the new role
Culture imprint – Instill corporate values, company purpose and objectives, knowledge sharing, building connections, and compliance processes
The goal is to transform new hires into confident, engaged, proactive team members
Logoplaste Leadership Academy - leadership capabilities training
Training Matrix – focused on operational positions
Business Ethics – 64,4% managers trained
Diversity & inclusion – intense workshop for Executives and HR Information Security Policies & Procedures
Training – for all Code of Conduct - refresher Course for all
Knowledge is power
It has been more than one year since we implemented Achieve, that allows for a transparent performance evaluation.
Objectives are set based on clear and agreed upon goals, there is a mid-year evaluation, an employee self assessment and a final manager review.
Aligning personal expectations with company objectives is key for a successful relation employee/ employer
Career development - career development - design career paths for all employees, link paths with training, pay, and benefits
Succession Management - create clear succession plans for all executive positions
Pay & Benefits – offer competitive pay and benefits in all of the countries in which we operate
Regulatory compliance - ensure that compensation and benefits comply with each country’s regulations.
Third party reviews - an external entity reviews compensation practices annually
Benchmarking - understand internal equity and external competitiveness
Global Guidelines and Policies – ensure compliance with labor and wages regulations across all countries, never compromise fair treatment of employees
External benchmark and performance management help drive pay-for-merit approach.
Logoplaste is committed to seeking input and feedback from our team:
- Ask the CEO
- Global Broadcasts
- Employee Global Climate Survey – conducted every 3 years
Employee Global Climate Survey is an important tool to obtain feedback, via anonymous questionnaires, from everyone worldwide. It provides a company snapshot that is shared internally.