From scrap to value, a useful resource
Logoplaste’s first priority is to minimize the amount of waste generated through process efficiency, material sourcing, product design, and internal reuse or recycling.

Where the generation of operational waste cannot be reduced, we ensure that our waste is correctly segregated and disposed of, in a proper and safe manner, using approved waste contractors.
We follow the waste management hierarchy, giving priority to recycling and reuse. When this is not possible, we prioritize energy recovery from incineration over landfill.
Waste management is controlled at the site level and our sites provide estimated reports on their generated waste. For 2022 our goal is to improve the level of reporting.
In 2021, Logoplaste produced a total of 6 276 tons of operational waste, 96% of which was sent for recycling or reused.
Hazardous waste represents 5% of our total operational waste. Our main sources of hazardous waste are: used oils and lubricants, rags and other absorbents used for spill cleanups.