We make every drop count by using water intelligently
Water must be preserved and used wisely as it is an endangered resource. As water demand continues to grow and water pollution increases exponentially, fresh water supplies decline.

Our operations are not water intensive; nevertheless, we are committed to improving our water usage efficiency through best practices as well as campaigns promoting the responsible use of water. Measuring our water consumption helps us understand patterns and implement improvements.
The Logoplaste Global Water Policy covers our goals, water management approach, and criteria for new equipment purchases.
In 2021 our total water withdrawal was 127.5ML; 77.1% from the public supply network and 22.9% from groundwater
In comparison to 2020, our water withdrawal increased by 8.4%, which is attributed to our new sites start up.
We use Aqueduct’s global water risk mapping tool from the World Resources Institute (WRI) to understand which plants operate in high water-stressed areas so we can implement tailored actions.
In 2021, Logoplaste withdrew 18.6 ML of water from areas with high (34.4%) to extremely high (65.6%) water stress. Of those water withdrawals, 4.8 ML (25.8%) came from groundwater sources. The remaining 74.2% came from the public supply network. Water withdrawal from areas with high to extremely high-water stress accounted for 14.6% of Logoplaste’s total water withdrawal in 2021. We also observed a 3.9% reduction from 2020 to 2021 in the water withdrawn from these areas.
Water day at Logoplaste 2022
Operation Clean Sweep
We are committed to preventing pollution of the marine environment, with ZERO pellet loss.
Logoplaste has supported the industry’s Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) for 9 years. Many plants have adopted effective measures for preventing resin pellets and small pieces of plastic from entering the marine environment via drains or streams.
Why is OCS so important?
A typical delivery of 28 tons of material can contain 40 million pellets. A spill of 0.01% results in over 4 000 pellets on the floor. If these pellets are left unchecked, they can enter the water system and cause marine pollution.
In 2021 we signed the OCS pledge for all plants handling resins and rolled out:
- Self-audit based on good practices
- Training materials
- A guide to OCS implementation
- Internal awareness via Logo TV (our global, internal television network) , intranet, and global emails
- Follow-up survey to check compliance
All plants were audited, resulting in the identification of 311 improvement actions.
As of 2022, Logoplaste conducts an annual self-audit using a global digital platform that gives us real time data, reports, and action plans, all one click away.